2.13.1 patch (2015.05.26, revision 398) ..................................................... bug fix: InMemoPeerTaxonomy.merge(STSet) throws exception with parameter null -> fixed - does nothing in that case 2.13.0 patch (2015.05.26, revision 396) ..................................................... features - start working on PKI - start working on SQLSharkKB - KPListener changed slightly 2.12.1 patch (2015.02.19, revision 307) ..................................................... bug fixes: - changes in vocabulary now notified by SharkKB - property values can now contain xml tags - fatal extract bug fixed - produced wrong results when using NOTHING on direction dimension 2.11.0 patch (2015.01.19, revision 258) ..................................................... features: - STSet.getSemanticTagByName() 2.10.1 patch (2014.12.05, revision 156) ..................................................... features (a number of interfaces are added): - start implementing JTS support for geometries - start work on syncKB - start work on Wifidirect communication 2.10.0 - removed soon after publishing ...................................... wasn't properly built 2.9.0 patch (2014.04.24, revision 46) ..................................... bug fix: - fragmentation failed if allowedRelations are null and forbidden are not null features: - properties can be removed with removeProperty now. 2.8.3 patch (2014.04.15, revision 42) ..................................... bug fix: - contextualization: forbidden predicates became part of the fragment. The bug didn't include unreachable tags but forbidden predicates between allowed tags became part of the fragment. - behavior change: tags can now be merged into sets of different types. They are handled as pure tags in that case. 2.8.2 patch (2014.04.09, revision 40) ..................................... bug fixes: - two semantic tags can be merged. An any tag can be merged with a non any tag. In that case, the ANY SI is now removed from merging results. The tag isn't ANY any longer. - merging of plain semantic tag into SemanticNet failed. - fragmentation produced links to null elements if tags had associated tags in source which are not part of the fragment 2.8.1 patch (2014.03.10, revision 34) ..................................... bug fixes: - removing tags in file system kb was buggy. (removing tag failed if an identical tag but not the tag itself was used a parameter.) 2.8.0 patch (2014.03.03, revision 30 and first release on GitHub) ................................................................. bug fixes: - persistency problems in FSSharkKB fixed, see tickets 29 and 30 new features: - PeerSemanticTag.addAddress() and removeAddress() 2.7.0 patch (2013.11.07, based on revision 1575) ................................................ new features: - SharkVocabulary introduced which makes SharkKB parts more explicit big fixes: - information names cannot have any character - any slash characters became illegal 2.6.2 patch (2013.08.15, based on revision 1564) ................................................ new features: - added persist and refresh to SharkKB 2.6.1 patch (2013.06.25, based on revision 1557) ................................................ bug fixes: - cp with more than one information wasn't transmitted sucessfully. - Logging class L accepts null as second parameter in d(), w(), e() now. 2.6.0 patch (2013.06.24, based on revision 1553) ................................................ new feature: - Information interface: content can now be retrieved as string - SharkEngine start[Ptotocol added] - makes it easier for cross plattform development standard implementations throw an exception: protocol not supported. bug fix: - standardKP did not reply with mutual interest on existing stream if remote peer dimension was empty on mutual interest 2.5.1 patch (2013.06.18, based on revision 1548) ................................................ bug fix: - refreshing creating spatial semantic from transmission was buggy 2.5.0 patch (2013.06.17, based on revision 1546) ................................................ new features: - listener can be added to StreamConnection and gets informed about connection status changes (currently just a close event is notified) 2.4.0 patch (2013.06.11, based on revision 1543) ................................................ new/removed features: - ContextPoint.getInformation(String name) added: Information can be retrieved by their name - InMemoPoint added constants which are used in SharkLongitude changes: - Date format in logging changed 2.3.0 patch (2013.05.29, based on revision 1533) ................................................ features: - added interfaces and first implementations of a variant of the simple feature model. We have to create that patch so quickly because SharkLogitude requires those changes in the framework. 2.2.0 patch (2013.05.29, based on revision 1530) ................................................ NOTE: Some changes occurred in sourceforge which leads to a change in revision numbering. Actually, a whole code base had been dropped. Its final vision was put into a former code base which is used now. That's not satifisfying but produced no damage. We cannot recreate former releases, though. Now we are with the new code base in revision 1530. features: - remove spatialSemanticTag Implementation - start reimplementing with simple feature model - moved a huge number of methods which were implemented in SharkNet to J2SEAndroidSharkEngine 2.1.0 patch (2013.04.23, based on revision 1647) ................................................ features: - silent mode removed - prevent system from sending same message again should be prevented from application logic. - added unique number to information - some methods throw ioexception now 2.1.* and higher isn't compatible with 2.0.* releases 2.0.0 patch (2013.03.05, based on revision 1641) ................................................ bug fixes: - StandardKP extraction and assimilation 1.7.5 patch (2013.02.13, based on revision 1623) ................................................ new features - silent period can now be set with SharkEngine. New default is 500 milliseconds. - support kind of upgraded copy of semantic tag in inmo kb bug fixes - SharkCSAlgebra: merging of semantic tags could create an eternal loop - fixed (thanks Thomas P.!) - creation of new TimeSemanticTag caused a warning but a duplicate supression is made in TimeSTset anyway - warning wasn't necessary. - changed contextualization slightly known bugs - contextualization of interests requires a review - see comments in code of SharkCSAlgebra for details 1.7.4 patch (2013.02.11, based on revision 1618) ................................................ new features - Information.size() added: Length of information content can be get - HubKP re-implemented - list of sent and unhandled kep message are now provided by SharkEngine. getSentInterests() etc. - barely tested. - removed all protocols but tested protocols which are TCP and e-mail bug fixes - non 1.7.3 patch (2013.01.31, based on revision 1610) ................................................ bug fixes - re-implemented major parts of message to stream stub: supports a real flow control when trasmitting large message which don't fit e.g. into a mailbox known bugs: - message larger than appr. 500 kByte cannot be sent with e-mail. Planned to be fixed next patch. 1.7.2 patch (2013.01.28, based on revision 1605) ................................................ bug fixes - J2SEAndroidSharkEngine: missing getter for mail settings added. features - Connection oriented protocols like TCP have a client server paradigm: A server is listening at a port and a client can connection. Up to 1.7.1 each Shark peer had to be a TCP server if it wanted to send a message. That's changed. A peer can establish a client connection to a peer listening at a port. - SharkEngine.handleConnection(StreamConnection) was created to handle new connections in ad hoc networks. others - remove shark engine timer - isn't used any longer 1.7.1 patch (2013.01.24, based on revision 1597) ................................................ bug fixes - XML-deserialization of knowledge: empty ContextPoints are accepted now. There are no more duplicated context points during parsing new functions - Even empty context points can be sent. False was default before. This behaviour can now be changed with SharkEngine.setAllowSendingEmptyContextPoints() - each received element gets recipient time and sender (if available) as hidden property - KEPConnection allows testing wether received message was encrypted and/or signed or not - SharkEngine.handleInterest(SharkCS interest) implemented - see javadoc for details others - cleanup of creation and sending KEP messages in KEPInMessage, KEPOutMessage etc. version 1.7 (2012.12.18, based on revision 1589) ----------- features: - serialization format has changed - kb created with previous versions cannot be read. (... which isn't a major problem because there are just 4 kb with test data.) initial patch 1.7.0 is made with revision 1589